In Russia you have the same class for eleven years of school. Soviet culture preferred success of group to individual progress. It was called collectivism. You had to learn how to survive in one team for a long time. Kids in elementary school have the same teacher during study. You don't change school building between elementary, middle and high school. You even don't have these concepts, just one school. So you rather see how kids are growing up in different grade pics with few new kids, not completely new class with some familiar faces. I studied 10 years in the same school in the same class and I have some people who I can call real friends, though I haven't seen them for few years. But school change is dramatically tough in these circumstances. I don't know which approach is better. В Америке ты можешь работать учителем вторых классов. И каждый год ты будешь учить данной второй класс. Узкая специализация. Интересно, не надоедает ли. Каждый год классы перемешиваются и ты учишься с другими ребятами, так что за 5 лет начальной школы ты успеваешь побыть в классе со всеми ребятами из пяти потоков. Нетворкинг прямо.